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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Before You Know It...

Jacob and I decided that after our epic trip to Italy we would be open and up for a baby to come.  This loosely translated into us "not trying not to" as of September.  However, with the hyper-fertile genes that women in my family seem to carry, this meant that we were pregnant even before we left on the trip!
Taking the pregnancy test was a fun experience.  I had bought a pack of 100 pregnancy test online at Amazon recently (Why not?? It was only $10 for 100, and I love a good deal) so I had been taking a test every day or two, just for fun.
One of those days, after taking another test, I seemed to notice a very faint second line-or at least I thought I did.  I pulled Jacob in the bathroom to look at it, and we both squinted and turned our heads in many funny angles trying to decipher whether or not there was truly a second pink line.  We both felt somewhat confident that our brains were playing tricks on us, but we were also just slightly more confident that we were indeed seeing double when it came to those pink lines.
We waited dramatically until the night of Jacob's birthday to spring for a decent pregnancy test at the drug store.  We went for the one that took out the guesswork-it either said "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant"-no squinting needed.
I took the test and prepared to wait the tense 3 minutes for the results.  About 10 seconds later, as Jacob carried the test stick to the other room for us to sit anxiously together, he said "Does it usually have 'Pregnant' show up first and then the 'Not' show up later?"  I decided that would be far too cruel and unusual punishment, and ran over to inspect.  There it was: "Pregnant".  With that moment, we looked at each other with the realization that our lives had just changed forever, in a good way (as our friend Robert would say).

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