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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hey Mr. Carter

Today we found out our baby is a BOY!
Within practically a few seconds of the technician starting the ultrasound she pointed out that it was clearly a boy. "Without a doubt" as she said. That was a different experience than when we had to spend time looking around and checking to ensure Avery was a girl.

Most importantly, we learned today that our baby is healthy and growing right on track. During the ultrasound, he would rest for a couple months here and there but mostly spend his time flipping around and stretching out his little arms and legs. He was very active. I drank a huge cup of orange juice right before the ultrasound because I had heard that may supposedly help them get wiggly, so I'm not sure if that was the cause of it.

We went with the same plan that we did for the reveal with Avery. We found out around noon that we were having a boy, but then we turned our phones off mostly and did shopping and alone time. Then at 5 it was the plan to have dinner at either Pink Door (if it's a girl) or BluWater Bistro (if it's a boy). We took pictures at BluWater and then sent them to family and friends, as well as posting them online. We happened to have both of our phones freeze up right at 5 so we didn't get them sent until close to 5:05 and had our family dying of curiosity by then! We spent time at dinner playing 'tennis' going back and forth with all the reasons that it's so fun to be having a boy. I won our tennis game, but who's keeping track? ;)

Even before I was pregnant with Avery, we knew that we had our boy named picked out: Carter. We still stuck with it in full agreement this time around. We mostly just like the sound of it. However, it doesn't hurt that Jacob's favorite artist is Sean Carter (Jay Z) and one of his favorite basketball players is Vince Carter. And, Wayne Carter (Li'l Wayne) also has a song we really like called "Hey Mr. Carter". It's unfortunately pretty explicit in a few parts but you can hear it here.
The meaning of Carter doesn't amaze me ("one who pulls a cart") but I'm over it. And it's moving up in popularity (#17 ranking for baby names in 2013) but that's fine too.

Pregnancy the second time around really is easier, but I also can't help but be suspicious that it's been overall easier on me because I have a boy in there this time around.
Alright, time to get some boy gear and get our nursery re-decorated!

Photos from our baby gender day:

Sweet little face, toes, arm and leg
The official 'reveal' photo

Me and baby at 18.5 weeks 
Photos and reflections from when we found out Avery was a girl here: 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Almost Halfway

Ok, that title might be a little bit of a stretch, but not much!

I'm almost 17 weeks so we're nearing the halfway point. Still feeling lots of baby flutters but nothing on the outside yet and no distinctive kicks. March 19th is the date for our ultrasound when we find out the gender, and we can't wait. We both feel like it's a boy, but not as strongly as we knew it was a girl with Avery.

If it's a boy: the name is Carter Kaapana (Jacob's middle name and his grandma's maiden name).
If it's a girl: the name is either Harper or Kennedy...most likely. Middle name is almost for sure Lokini Lola (Jacob's grandma's middle name).

Took a quick belly pic just because I felt bad for not doing this often. With Avery I did it every 2 weeks, but this is just my second official one with baby #2.
Don't be deceived, I never actually work out. This just looks more tasteful than staying in my pajamas.

Here's me at the same stage in pregnancy back in 2010 with Avery:

I'm continuing to feel better little by little. Today is my first day on only one zofran pill (knock on wood...hope I make it until bedtime without needing another).

Also, having a toddler and working full time while being pregnant is crazy and so busy. But it's awesome. Avery is so much fun right now. Work is also very rewarding and flexible so all in all, I'm feeling relaxed and balanced. Jacob is amazing at doing whatever he can to help out with my tiredness and taking care of Avery when he's home.